Monday, January 5, 2009

The First List of Awesome and Not Awesome Things

Here, simply put, is the first of what may become many short lists of things I find to be awesome and not awesome.

The first one on the list might be so awesome that it overshadows the rest, but I can't resist.

Super awesome:

I desperately want to hang this in my house. It's so awesome, it hurts my awesome brain to think about it.

Most decidedly not awesome:

They don't taste like crab. If you like the Chesapeake Bay crab seasoning, they're probably great. But yes, it's like sprinkling the bay seasoning directly on your tongue. "We'll make crab chips and then not have them taste like crab at all, but like the seasoning that usually gets in the way of the crab flavor! Yes!"


Once banned and hidden gem with creator in attendance awesome:

Ralph Bakshi appears with his rarely shown film "Street Fight" a.ka. "Coonskin" at the Alamo Ritz.

That same night, Bakshi also appears with his film "Wizards".

I've seen little of "Street Fight" other than a few minutes here or there, but I know its reputation as one of the most inflammatory animated films ever made. Is it an indictment on racism, socioeconomic standards, church, gender roles, and the mafia or does it help support what it supposedly lambastes? Latoya Peterson gives a decent deconstruction of much of the movie here, but I can't wait to hear directly from the man himself.

I can only hope "Wizards" is as awesome as I remember it being. I'm sure Bakshi will have something to say about how the movie continues to resonate today with propaganda and wartime thinking.

Nostalgic awesome:

Cherry Certs. A gift from my younger days. They were my thing. People would buy them for me whenever they saw them. If you go up to a friend who smokes and hold your hand out, he may know to automatically give you a cigarette or a light for one. If someone came up to me with his hand out, I put a Cherry Certs in it. It's just the way things were. Until they weren't anymore, which leads to the next item.

Only in Canada makes it not awesome:

Before now, I had resigned to the fact that I would never again taste the tangy, delicious flavor of Cherry Certs again. They had been missing from my life for almost a decade now. However, through random sources, I heard Cadbury (yes, the same company that makes the Cadbury Creme Egg) was making Cherry Certs again, but they were only available in Canada. I had to have a friend in Canada mail them to me recently. It was worth it.

About time and swear it'll be awesome someday. If I stop procrastinating. Maybe:


Besides writing this blog post, I want to finally finish some screenplays I had on the backburner for a while now and a two-act play I started writing last year. Maybe I'll work more on a vampire novel I began writing a couple years ago. I don't normally read stories about vampires, let alone write anything about them, so I wanted to see what I could do. One of the most disturbing things I've ever written. Those who've read it said they wanted more. About time I got off my butt to get some sketches written too. Or is it skits? I never know if I should call them skits or sketches. I should probably find that out. Do you think there are people who care enough to correct me though? Scratch that. I know there are. To those people: I'll call them whatever I damn well please and you'll love me for it. Yes, you will.

That's the first list. It's a short one. Future ones could be longer and might have much less text. In other words, more pretty pictures. I enjoy the pretty pictures.

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